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Valley Views FAQ

Below is a list of our most frequently asked questions. 
If you cannot find the answer to your question below please contact us on 03 9796 8223 and one of our friendly team members will assist you. 

Have A Question?

We often get asked many questions about our pet lodge, so below we have answered our most frequently asked questions to answer any questions you may have. If your question isn't listed below please don't hesitate to contact us were more than happy to answer any questions you may have at any time. 

Exercise/Play Time

How much exercise and playtime will my dog get?
All dogs are rotated into our large grass dog runs throughout the day. This allows dogs to socialize with other dogs in the runs next to them. Our friendly staff allocates time throughout the day to play with all dogs and cats and give them lots of warm cuddles.
We also offer walks which include a one-on-one walk with our experienced staff. The walk will go for 15 minutes around our lodge.
This costs $15 per walk


Will my dog get cold? Is there any form of heating and cooling?

Yes we have heating and cooling throughout the kennels and staff will turn them on when necessary. We ensure to keep all your pets warm and cosy so they feel safe and comfortable during there stay. 


Am I able to bring my own pet food?

Yes. You can provide your pets regular food. Dry food must be in an airtight container. Raw meat needs to be portioned, one portion per day (for long stays we can freeze meat portions for freshness). Please label with dog’s/cat’s name


Yes. Guests staying for 7 days or more usually receive a complimentary bath before going home. (Conditions apply.) Dogs can also be bathed on request during a shorter stay, and full professional grooming services are also available. Additional charges do apply for these services—please ask for pricing when speaking with our staff.

Delayed ETA

Will you look after my pet longer if my flight is delayed or we are late getting back from our trip away?
Yes! We will most definitely be able to care for your pet while you make your way home.
Please try to contact us ASAP to keep us informed of your ETA, communication makes the departure for your pet smoother. We understand these things happen. This is why it is important to provide an emergency contact person in Australia that we can contact if your pet is not collected on time.


Do you have any recommendations to ensure my pet will easily settle after we leave?

Our kennels have comfy bedding and plenty of stimulation. Often bringing a small item of clothing that belongs to their human parents will help them settle, unwashed so it has your scent. It soothes them being able to smell your scent close to them. A favorite toy is also a great idea or a small blanket off their bed at home. Please don’t send anything that you may not want to be destroyed, as dogs will be dogs!

Sharing a kennel

Are my pets able to share a room?

Yes, we have double rooms big enough for your pets to share. 
Unfortunately its against our policy to allow dogs and cats to share together during their visit at our lodge.


Am I able to view the pet lodge?
Yes, all tours of our pet lodge are booked within our trading hours with our team. 
To book a tour please contact our friendly team to arrange your tour on 03 9796 8223.


What is your policy for vaccinations? 
For dog guests, we require an up-to-date C5 pet vaccination and our feline guests we require a minimum of an F3 pet vaccination.
You must provide us with proof of these vaccination certificates when they are admitted for their first stay and whenever they have been re-vaccinated, prior to subsequent admissions.
We will not accept any pets without proof of vaccination certificates.


Am I able to request regular updates/photos of my pet?
Yes! We are more than happy to give you regular updates on your pet whilst they're enjoying their stay at our lodge. We can send photos and videos at any time of your pets during their stay. We can give you an update on the activities they have completed and how they're settling into staying with us.



Do you have a vet on call in case of emergency?

Yes we have a local vet that does regular visits to ensure all dogs are healthy and incase of emergency we can use there 24/7 contact line.

Dog breeds

Are there any dog breeds that you don't accept?
No! We care for all dogs no matter the breed providing it is the right environment for them and it is safe for our staff to be in the kennel with them at times of cleaning. We do recommend some stronger breeds may require a trial stay before their first holiday with us to ensure they are able to have a safe and comfortable stay.

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